World Current Affairs

JANUARY, 2018 - JANUARY , 2019
Prepared by: Kamran Shaukat Gondal
First gulf nations to introduce VAT (Value added Tax) ?
A. Oman and Qatar
B. UAE and Saudi Arabia
C. Kuwait and Iraq
D. None of These

The Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Theresa May on 17 January 2018 announced the appointment of Sports minister Tracey Crouch as the country’s first ‘Minister for ---------’.
A. Women
B. Mental Diseases
C. loneliness
D. Faith

Which country has constructed an experimental air purifying tower called the Xian smog tower, which is touted to be the ‘world’s biggest air purifier’ with a height of over 100 meters, to combat smog and air pollution?
A. Russia
C. China

The United States Senate on January 24, 2018 confirmed the appointment of --------- as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States.
A. Alan Greenspan
B. Ben Bernanke
C. Janet Yellen
D. Jerome H Powell

The United States on ---------- announced that it is lifting the ban that it had imposed on refugees from 11 nations, which it termed as high-risk countries.
A. January 29, 2018
B. December 31, 2017
C. June 01, 2018
D. June 01, 2017.

Which country on February 15, 2018 announced a major policy change by allowing women to open their own businesses without the need of showing consent from a husband or male relative?

According to a UNICEF report that released on February 20, 2018 , Which country was found to be the safest nation for birth on the list, as there less than one in 1,000 babies dies in the first month?
A. Japan
B. Iceland
C. Singapore

According to a UNICEF report that released on February 20, 2018, Which is the riskiest nation to be born in, as it has the highest newborn mortality rates in the world.
A. Pakistan 
B. India
C. Syria
D. Iraq

Which country (Least Corrupt) was ranked first with a score of 89 in global corruption perception index, which was recently released by Transparency International?
A. New Zealand
B. Finland
C. Norway
D. Switzerland

Recently, which country has been elected as Vice President of Financial Action Task Force? 
C. Germany
D. China

Which country has for the first-ever time opened applications for women to enlist in the military?

American magazine Forbes on March 6, 2018 released the 32nd annual World's Billionaires List, who topped the World's Billionaires List for the first time with a fortune of USD 112 billion?
A. Jeff Bezos
B. Bill Gates
C. Warren Buffett
D. Bernard Arnault

American magazine Forbes on March 6, 2018 released the 32nd annual World's Billionaires List, comprising names of a record --------billionaires. 
A. 2300
B. 2014
C. 2208
D. 3000

France has decided to make------- years as the legal age of sexual consent following a public outcry over two cases of sex involving 11-year-old girls.
A. 11
B. 15
D. 10

Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi was on March 7, 2018 stripped off her --------award conferred by US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
A. Human Rights
B. Noble Peace
C. Conscience
D. None

Which country's Parliament on March 11, 2018 removed 2-term limit of President, paving the way for President to rule indefinitely over the country?
A. Russia
B. China
C. Turkey
D. Malaysia

Which to become first U.S. state to use nitrogen gas for executions?
A. New Jersey
B. Oklahoma
C. Alaska
D. California

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang was on March 18, 2018 re-elected for his --------five-year term by the members of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC).
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th

Qatar donates $50 million to UN Relief agency for?
A. Syrians
B. Palestinians 
C. Yumanis
D. All

Which country plans to knock three zeros off currency amid hyperinflation?
A. Argentine
B. Venezuela
C. Nigeria
D. Zimbabwe

Which Country on March 16, 2018 formally submitted the Letter of Withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC)?
B. Iceland
C. Philippines

Recently, Which country proposed 10 years in jail for publishers of fake news?
A. Turkey
B. Malaysia
C. Egypt

Standing in solidarity with the United Kingdom, more than 21 nations led by the United States announced the expulsion of over 100 --------diplomats on March 26, 2018.
A. Chinese
B. German
C. Turkish
D. Russian

Arab world’s first nuclear reactor has been complete recently in?
C. Qatar
D. Egypt

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on April 18, 2018 opened its first public movie theatre, after over --------- of prohibition for religious reasons. 
A. 35 years
B. 70 years
C. 68 years
D. 76 years

Swaziland’s King Mswati III, Africa’s last absolute monarch, on ---------- officially changed the name of his country to the ‘Kingdom of eSwatini’. 
A. April 01, 2018
B. April 19, 2018 
C. May 01, 2018
D. May 15, 2018

2018 Commonwealth Innovation Index, is topped by which country/countries?
A. Switzerland
B. Netherlands
D. All

Which country has been ranked first according to 2018 World Press Freedom Index ?
A. Sweden 
B. Netherlands
C. Norway
D. Finland

Vladimir Putin was on May 7, 2018 sworn in as the President of Russia for ---------time.
A. 2nd
B. 3rd
C. 4th
D. 5th

In a historic first, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on -------------- crossed the border that separates the two Koreas at the demilitarized zone (DMZ) to enter South Korea, becoming the first North Korean leader to step into South Korean territory since 1953.
A. April 27, 2018
B. June 6, 2018
C. May 28, 2018
D. August 14, 2018

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in on April 27, 2018 signed a landmark peace agreement namely, ---------------for the "complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula".
A. Panmunjom Declaration
B. No First Use (NFU) Declaration
C. Peace Declaration

D. None
The world's oldest Prime Minister at the age of 92 is?
A. Sir Aneerood Jugnath
B. Mahathir Muhammad
C. LI kiqianq
D. Nicolás Maduro

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) on May 10, 2018 released a report titled ‘Breastfeeding: A Mother’s Gift, for Every Child’, claiming that over ------- babies are not breastfed each year.
A. 6.5 Million
b. 7.6 million
c. 10 Million 
d. 10.5 Million

The first female director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)?
A. Maria Fernanda
B. Gina Haspel
C. Stacy Cunnigham
D. Nadia Murad

Venezuelan President ------ won another six years of term on May 20, 2018 in an election .
A. Nicolas Maduro 
B. Hugo Chávez
C. Diosdado Cabello 
D. Evo Morales

Recently, Which Country launched world’s first floating nuclear power plant?
B. China 
C. Russia
D. Germany

The first edition of the Global Wind Summit was hosted by ------------from September 25-28, 2018 .
A. Germany 
C. Switzerland
D. Belgium

Which country ended abortion ban on May 26, 2018?
A. Haiti
B. Ireland 
C. Monaco
D. France

The International Conference on TRIPS- CBD Linkage (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) - Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Linkage
) was held in ---------- on June 7-8, 2018 to revive WTO discussions on issues related to theft of traditional knowledge.
A. Davos
B. Brussels
C. Geneva
D. Rome

Which country's Parliament on May 31, 2018 banned the wearing of face veils (burqa and niqab) in public places?
A. France 
B. Australia 
C. Denmark 
D. Spain

According to Global Peace Index 2018, Which country managed to retain its position as the most peaceful country in the world?
A. Newzealand
B. Austria 
C. Iceland
D. Denmark

Pakistan and India became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO on?
a. 9 June, 2015
b. 9 june, 2016
c. 9 june, 2017
d. 9 june, 2018

Recently held 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit was organized in ?
A. Beijing
B. Sinqiag
C. Qingdao
D. None

Which country on June 19, 2018 had withdrawn from Human Rights Council (UNHRC), accusing the council of bias against Israel?
A. Phillipine
B. Oman 
D. Guatemala

European Parliament lawmakers on July 5, 2018 rejected a highly controversial European Union copyright law proposal that was proposed by Beatles legend Paul McCartney against the creators of ?
A. Google 
B. YouTube
C. Yahoo
D. Wikipedia

Which country has been ranked at the top in the 2018 'Soft Power 30' index?

Which country on August 1, 2018 launched a landmark three-month visa amnesty programme (It will allow the workers to leave the country without paying penalty and it will also give them six months to find a job.) 
D. Oman

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) on August 14, 2018 released the Global Liveability Index 2018,Which capital has been ranked as world's most liveable city?
A. Vienna
B. Osaka
C. Melbourne
D. Toronto

Colorado Party’s Mario Abdo Benitez was sworn in on August 15, 2018 as the new President of ------------ for a five-year term.
A. Brazil
B. Bolivia
C. Paraguay
D. Argentina

Which country has recently announced the formation of the Iran Action Group (IAG) to coordinate and run the country's policy towards Iran?
A. China
C. Turkey
D. Saudi Arabia

Who won recently held Maldives' Presidential Election 2018?
A. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
B. Yameen Abdul Gayoom
C. Abdul Qawi Yousuf 
D. None

Which Country's Cabinet on October 11, 2018 has decided to abolish the death penalty for all crimes and halt all pending executions?
A. Turkey
B. Malaysia 
C. Sudan
D. Egypt

First Country to legalise possession and use of recreational cannabis(bhangg) ?
A. Uruguay
B. Canada 
C. Mexico
D. Afghanistan
According to The World Economic Forum (WEF)'s released "Global Competitiveness Report 2018" , which country's economy topped the list?
A. U.S.
B. China
C. Germany
D. Singapore

The 12th ASEM Summit (ASEM12) was held during October 18-19, 2018 in?
A. Beijing
B. Brussels 
C. Geneva
D. Newyork

Which Country has has appointed diplomat Sahle-Work Zewde as its first-ever female President?
A. Somalia
B. Ethiopia
C. Djibouti
D. Nigeria

Which country has planned to send first manned space mission in 2022?
A. Pakistan 
B. India
C. China
D. Sirilanka

The International Committee of the Red Cross has stated that over ------- people around the world are missing, which has created a global “crisis.”
A. 100,000
B. 200,000
C. 300,000
D. 400,000

Which Country , on October 29, 2018 launched the world’s first Sovereign Blue Bond, a financial instrument designed to support sustainable marine and fisheries projects?
A. Kenya
B. Rwanda 
C. Seychelles
D. Somalia

World leaders gathered in ---------on November 11, 2018 to lead the global commemorations to mark 100 years since the end of the first World War.
A. Paris 
B. London 
C. Washington DC 
D. Geneva

Which Organization has stripped Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi of 'Ambassador of Conscience' Award?
A. UN Human Rights Council 
B. Amnesty International
C. Transparency International 
D. None of these

The United Nations Security Council in a unanimous vote has agreed to lift the sanctions imposed against which country after 9 years?
A. Dijibouti
B. Eritrea
C. Ethipoia
D. Somalia

The 33rd edition of the ASEAN Summit concluded on November 15, 2018 in?
A. Singapore
B. China
C. Laos
D. Thailand

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed each year on ?
A. 21 November 
B. 22 November 
C. 24 November 
D. 25 November

KPCS Plenary 2018, from November 12-16 was held in?
A. Delhi
B. Brussels
C. Newyork
D. Davos

The Asia Pacific Summit 2018 from 1 Dec-3rd Dec was hosted by?
A. Beijing, China
B. Kathmandu, Nepal
C. Delhi, India
D. Singapore

Recently held meeting of 13th G-20 Summit was hosted by?
A. Brussels
B. Geneva 
C. Buenos Aires
D. None

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has been sworn in as the-------- President of Mexico.
A. 58th
B. 41th
C. 45th 
D. 11th

Which Arab Country , in a landmark decision, decided to increase the representation of women in the Federal National Council to 50 per cent from the coming Parliamentary term?
A. Saudi Arabia 
C. Qatar
D. Oman

Which treaty will be terminated on April 1, 2019 amid rising tensions between Russia & Ukraine?
A. War 
B. Friendship
C. Trade 
D. All

Who has been crowned as Miss Universe 2018?
A. Catriona Gray
B. Angela Ponce
C. Sarah Rose Summers
D. None

Current PM of Sirilanka?
A. Wickremesinghe 
B. Maithripala Sirisena 
C. Mahinda Rajapaksa 
D. None of these

World Economic Forum's Headquarters is located in?
a. Davos
b. Cologny 
c. New York
d. Washington DC

USA Purchased Alaska (One of the it's states) from?
A. Russia
B. Canada
C. Mexico
D. None of these

The current president of International Criminal Court belong to_____________ ?
A. Chile
B. South Korea
C. Sweden
D. Nigeria

According to the The World Economic Forum (WEF) 's Global Gender Gap Report 2018 released on December 18, 2018, which country topped the list on basis of their progress towards gender parity?
A. Iceland
B. Norway
C. Sweden 
D. Finland

In which country The United Arab Emirates on December 27, 2018 resumed its diplomatic services at its embassy after six years of suspension?
A. Syria
B. Egypt
C. Yemen
D. Australia

Who is the current U.S. Defence Secretary?
A. Jim Mattis
B. Patrick Shanahan
C. Mike Pompeo
D. Rex Tillerson

The International Migrants Day was observed on December 18, 2018 with the theme?
A. Stop Migration
B. Migration with Dignity
C. It's your World to Travel 
D. Let's make some space for Migrants

Which Five Nations assumed the charge as the Non-Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on 31st December, 2018?
A. Belgium, Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia, South Africa
B. Bolivia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands and Sweden 
C. Belgium, Dominican Republic, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden 
D. Germany, Indonesia, South Africa, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan

Recently, Which country has been selected the non permanent member of United Nations security Council for the first time?
A. Belgium
B. South Africa
C. Dominican Republic
D. Germany

Which country has recently announced to put up an application in United Nations Security Council to upgrade its status from observer state to full member state?
A. Holy See
B. Palestine
C. Vatican City
D. All

Sheikh Hasina won --------consecutive term as prime minister in 2018 Elections in Bangladesh 
A. 2nd
B. 3rd
C. 4th
D. 5th

On December 26, 2018, which country announced its decision to withdraw from the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to start commercial whaling?
A. China 
B. Bangladesh
C. Japan
D. Brazil

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