Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Inspector Customs Batch-3 Test Held on 10/09/2018

Inspector Customs Batch-3 Test Held on 10/09/2018 
1. Observer States of UN? 2
2. Observer States of SCO? 3
3. Observer States of SAARC? 9
4. Freedom Sentinel is? US Military operation in Afghanistan 
5. Which Country installed large air-purifier to fight population? China
6. Unionist party during British rule was founded by? Fazel Hussain
7. 2023 Cricket World Cup will be held in? India
8. Commonwealth games 2022 will start from? 22 July
9. 2018 Common Wealth games is-----edition? 21st a
10. To Manage water logging and Salinity which organization is introduced by Pakistan? SCARP
11. MAD Stands for Mutual Assured Destruction
12. Current President of ICC? Shasnak Manohar
13. Which Country’s team has been involved in ball tempering recently? Australia
14. 2nd Government of Benazir was dissolved due to? Corruption
15. Controlled Democracy is Pakistan was introduced by? Ayub Khan
16. Iskandar Mirza abrogated Constitution of Pakistan in? 1958
17. Pakistan Resolution was translated in Urdu by? Sir Zafar Ullah Khan
18. Recently martyred PTI candidate in a suicidal attack? Ikram Ullah Gandapur
19. Women’s turnout was record 73% in which area? Thar
20. In which National Assembly Constituencies women turnout less than 10%? NA 10, NA 48
21. Turnout in 2013 Election was? 47.1%
22. Great Spot is on which Planet? Jupiter
23. Great Spot is? Storm
24. Fastest Rotating planet is? Mercury
25. Brightest Planet? Venus
26. Nearest Planet to Earth? Venus
27. Salinity of Ocean Water is checked in? 1 Kg of Ocean Water
28. How many planets visible from Earth? 5
29. Bodyguard planet of Earth? Jupiter
30. Comets have highly elliptical orbits
31. Position of an element in periodic table is determined by its? Proton Number
32. Oxidation Involves? Loss of Electron
33. Plants intake -----and exhale----at night? Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide
34. Microsoft office was released in? 1985
35. Ctrl+4 is used in excel? To underline 
36. Excel is an open source software
37. To open Visual Basic in Excel? Alt+F11
38. Gutter Printer leaves margin from? Left Side
39. Which of the following is above baseline? Superscript
40. Glittering texts and background are found in word in? Text effects
41. Extension for excel file is? Xlsx
42. Blue line in Microsoft word indicates? Grammatical error
43. Most Discussed Prophet in Quran? Hazrat Musa A.S
44. Zuboor Was revealed on? Hazrat Dawood A.S
45. Hazrat Musa has 9 Miracles
46. Adam is a word of which language? Herbrew
47. Saaee during Hajj is? Running 7 Times between Saffa and Marwa
48. Imam Muslim died in 261 A.H

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